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Meditation - Sunday Before Advent Year C
Meditation - Sunday Before Advent Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – Sunday before Advent Year C What is truth? John 18: 33-37 Revelation 1: 4b-8 God of Grace, Moving heaven and earth For love of a fallen race... Created by David Middleton on behalf of LWPT (Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust) for more information click here.
Poem: Pilate reacts
Poem: Pilate reacts
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Pilate reacts What kind of king are you, you Jew? The priests condemn you for they say you spite them, yet you will not fight them. They say you claim to be a king to rule them. Do you just fool them? They throw your talk of kingdom in your face. You say that it is not your…
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Christ the King Year B
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Christ the King Year B
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Christ the King John 18: 33-37 Gaze on the gaudy colours of the luxurious Imperial Palace, the wealth of velvet and silk, armour and flags, which decorate the towers and gates that keep the people out. Gaze on the hierarchy of officials and servants, there to make visible the Emp…
Mark The People's bible commentary - Barabbas
Mark The People's bible commentary - Barabbas
by BRF - Dick France
BARABBAS The insurrection Barabbas was not just a common criminal. He was a ‘rebel’, who had been involved in an ‘insurrection’. We have no other record of this particular uprising against the Roman occupation, but it need not surprise us: several such incidents are recorded in t…
Meditation - sunday Before Advent Year C (2nd)
Meditation - sunday Before Advent Year C (2nd)
by David Middleton
Meditation – Sunday before Advent Year C Safe yourself Luke 23: 33-43 Save Yourself if you are the Messiah! The leaders laughed and scoffed at the sight of Jesus, nailed to a cross. His life slowly but certainly, ebbing away, he couldn’t save himself now! Finally Jesus was under …
LWPT Meditations - Epiphany - Year B
LWPT Meditations - Epiphany - Year B
by Susan Thorne
Meditation- Epiphany Year B Isaiah 60: 1-6 Psalm 72: 1-7 Ephesians 3: 1-12 Matthew 2: 10-12 Epiphany provides an afterglow that prolongs the light and joy of our Christmas celebrations, before we settle back into the weeks that will lead us to Lent. We love the story of the thre…
Mark The People's Bible Commentary - Enter Pontius Pilate
Mark The People's Bible Commentary - Enter Pontius Pilate
by BRF - Dick France
ENTER PONTIUS PILATE It was one thing for a Jewish court to decide on the death penalty, but quite another to implement it. Under the direct Roman rule which had now been imposed in Judea the right to pronounce the death penalty was reserved to the Roman governor alone. So to ach…
How God Became King - 7b God and Caesar in the Gospels
How God Became King - 7b God and Caesar in the Gospels
by SPCK - N T Wright
God and Caesar in the Gospels But, you say, surely Caesar is only mentioned once in the gospels, and there Jesus says that there’s a clear division between God and Caesar, a split of church and state, so that never the twain shall meet…
How God Became King - 10b The “Title” on the Cross
How God Became King - 10b The “Title” on the Cross
by SPCK - N T Wright
The “Title” on the Cross This leads us exactly to the ‘title’ on the cross. The Latin word ti tulus was used to describe the public notice that would be attached to the cross of a condemned criminal, indicating the charge that had led to this extreme verdict…
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - The KING is CRUCIFIED
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - The KING is CRUCIFIED
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
The KING is CRUCIFIED Through these seven balanced trial scenes, Pilate moved from mocking Jesus to a grudging respect for his kingship while “the Jews” rejected the rule of God, preferring Caesar. Now Pilate ‘hands him over to them’, using the word for ‘betray’, after the action…
Mark The People's bible commentary - Golgotha
Mark The People's bible commentary - Golgotha
by BRF - Dick France
GOLGOTHA Crucifixion was a particularly cruel form of execution reserved normally for slaves and for political insurgents. The Roman writer Cicero called it ‘the most cruel and revolting punishment’ and the Jew Josephus called it ‘the most pitiable of deaths’. A crucified person …
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Book II (Psalms 42-72) Book II of the Psalter, like Book I, contains many lament psalms. But unlike Book I, not all of the psalms are attributed to David. The Korahites, who were, according to the book of Chronicles, temple singers during the reigns of David and Solomon, mix thei…
Mark The People's Bible Commentary - Homage to the King